This article is part of our “Four Quadrants for High Growth Quick Start Guide”.  Click here to access the full series.

Quadrant 2 Goal: Increase Usage from Existing Customers

Overall Goal: Increase usage of existing customers by an average of 5-10%

Four Quadrants- Quadrant 2


Quadrant 2 consists of existing customers who already buy a particular product. The goal here is to influence these customers to order more of what they are already buying. If you sell software licenses, can you persuade them to subscribe to more licenses? If they buy boxes of widgets, can you get them to order more boxes?

Regardless of the product your aim is to increase customers’ consumption of that product by a targeted amount. If you are selling software licenses, can you increase the average license purchase per customer by ‘x’ amount? If your customer orders 100 boxes of widgets a year from you, can you increase that to 110 boxes? And how do you do that?

This is a low-touch sales environment. You want to simplify and standardize your operations, automating as much of it as you can. Your sales operations should  resemble a self-serve portal in which customers can order what they want, when they want. Ensuring this kind of consumer behavior requires continual and targeted marketing strategies

Below you will find some important tips on optimizing sales and marketing in this quadrant.

Marketing Optimization


To reiterate, the objective  is to automate all marketing to continually touch existing customers and give them new reasons to buy more of the products they are already using.

  • Continually envision new ways for customers to use your existing products
  • Constantly update customers about new features that increase ease of use and efficiency
  • Offer additional promotional incentives to increase usage–price savings on additional purchases, discounts on other products, etc.
  • Make certain premium services free for customers who purchase  higher volumes
  • Send at least one promotional email campaign each month to make sure you stay front-of-mind


Sales Optimization


Increase Sales of existing products to existing customers

Ideally, Quadrant 2 sales can be completed without the help or involvement of a sales rep.

  • Make it very simple for customers to order more and for orders to be fulfilled immediately
  • Automate price quotes, contracts, and ordering
  • Automate workflows to send orders to fulfillment as soon as contracts are signed

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